Mistake #9: Not Travelling with Your Car Seat

Walk onto an airplane today and you would never know that the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the National Transportation Safety Board all recommend that children ride in car seats on airplanes. Instead, most kids are flopping around on seats, squirming on laps, or toddling down the aisles. But Baer and her safety colleagues advise that any time a child is in a moving vehicle, they should be strapped into a properly installed car seat. The bonus is that most kids are comfortable in their car seats and more likely to sleep.

And taking your seat along for the flight ensures that on the other end you will have a car seat that is appropriate for your child, and one you know how to install. “Sometimes you show up to the car rental place and all they have left is a booster for your 6-month-old,” says Dr. Baer.

Fix: Yes, we know it’s a schlep, but bring your car seat on any trip away from home and consider buying a travel-friendly car seat if your family travels a lot.